
The Surf Source

Breather Vent by CASICA Glass-in or Retro Fit

Breather Vent by CASICA Glass-in or Retro Fit

* (1) Retro-fit intended for easy installation in already glassed boards.

* (2) Glass-in intended for installation in new boards.

The flange insert of the retro-fit is recommended for all hollow-core type boards. The vent element (valve assembly) is made entirely by W.L. Gore and has been tested and qualified under the most severe conditions and meets military equipment requirements. NOTE: It’s critical that the vents are only tightened to 1/2 ft-lb (little over hand tight) or they’ll break off.

“Video Tutorial for Glass-In vent”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=hGcc-ufh2P8

$39.25 each.

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$39.25 each

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